Even though I didn't believe in ghost there was always a certain feeling I got when I had to pass the house on Rose Hill. It was old and quiet and I'd never saw anyone enter or exit the house my entire life. "I hear a couple died in there" said Julie, a best friend of mine since kindergarten.
A story spread throughout the entire neighborhood about how a couple had died there, suspiciously, years ago. No one had ever really saw the couple before, but when they did they were always sitting on their front porch staring; never once speaking or waving to anyone. "My mom said that once, when she was ten, she was selling baked cookies for her school when she decided to walk up to their house" said Erin, a 12 year old nerd, who loved to read scientific books. "She said that the woman opened the door with a bloody butcher knife in her hand; wearing a bloody white apron. My mom dropped the cookies and ran as fast as she could never once looking or going back to the spooky house again."
(Thunder sounds) "It's raining guys, see you later!" I yelled running across the street to my house not far from where the spooky house was. That night after dinner I decided to sit up in my room and stare at the house. No, I don't believe in ghost, but I was a little curious about this house. Maybe I'll see someone exit or maybe something crazy will happen. I just wanted to satisfy my thoughts and find out the truth once and for all. If I could see a curtain move, that would be all I needed to further investigate the house on Rose Hill.
It continued to rain hard that night and I was beginning to nod off to sleep while sitting in my huge bedroom window looking for some sort of movement in the spooky house across the street. "This is crazy! Why am I sitting here?" I asked myself before standing up to close my long pink, flowery curtains. Just as I shut them half way I noticed a light flicker in the spooky house. It flickered five times before the shadow of a tall figure walked by the upstairs bedroom window. The figure was holding something long in their hand as they came closer to the window. It was right then when my heart dropped!
"Do I really want to see this?" I thought, shaking, while peeking out my curtains to see what would happen next. I opened the curtain just a tad bit more when all of a sudden the figure opened the curtain. "No way" I screamed; the figure was that of a pale faced man who reminded me of a ghost I saw on a horror movie. He had this pale, blank, long face with an evil expression upon it. He stared right at me pointing and laughing. I shut the curtains quickly and crawled back into my bed pulling my covers over my head. I cried like a baby that night.
(Music Plays) Music began to play from the house and I began to shake more and more. I wanted to call my best friend, Julie, but the phone was too far away from my bed. I was so stiff I couldn't move. My parents had left the house for dinner and I was home alone. I felt like running outside next door, but I was simply too afraid to do so. "You have to get up" I kept telling myself which eventually I did. My knees buckled and my heart was racing. I made my way back to my curtains shaking the entire time I tried to open them up.
"I can't do this, I can't!" I thought to myself holding both curtains tight in my hands. "There are no such things as ghost" was what I kept repeating hoping that I could overcome the fear that I had at this very moment. I decided to count to 3 before opening the curtains to prepare myself for what was on the other side. "1, 2, 3" nothing, I couldn't do it. I breathed in and out 6 times before trying again. I knew I could do it this time. "1, 2, 3" I said opening the curtains fast as I could. "AAAHHHH" I screamed! There he was in my window smiling with sharp teeth, big green eyes and red lips. His hair was black and stood all over his head. He was waving his pale white hands holding a black cat on his shoulders. He eventually stopped laughing and just sat their frowning at me; I passed out right there.
I woke up minutes later to see my parents standing over me yelling "Sara! Sara! Sara wake up" My mom kept shaking me until my eyes began to open. "What happened?" she asked in a worried tone. "I saw a ghost" I replied looking dazed. "He came from the spooky house on Rose Hill." I cried my eyes out that night because no one seemed to believe me. It frustrated me knowing that I saw what I saw and no one believed me. My friends even laughed at me! After all of their haunted stories and beliefs - they didn't believe me.
Days and nights went by and I continued to see and hear strange things happening at the spooky house on Rose Hill. From music playing to doors slamming, I knew this house was haunted. My friends and family continued to laugh at me and called me delusional, but I know for a fact that what I've seen and heard was real... I guess it's my turn to convince.
~The End~
*Recommended for ages 9+
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