"Molly, make sure that the doors are locked and the water isn't running in the sink" yelled my mother as she sat in the living room watching horror movies. It was the day before Halloween and all we did was watch horror movies; I didn't think it was a good idea this particular night because we had just finished watching "Ghost under the Basement Stairs" a movie about a family whose basement had ghost living under the basement stairs. The ghost ended up driving the family insane and chasing them away.
As I walked down the basement stairs the steps began to creek as usual (creek, creek,creek). My heart always dropped as soon as I reached the bottom stair. The light shined over my head as I turned the corner you could see the webs hanging in the windows. The smell of moth balls were in the air mixed with fabric softener.
It was really cold and dark in some parts of the basement. As I checked the door to make sure it was locked a spider jumped in my space. (Screams) I jumped away from the door screaming to the top of my lungs "Mom! a spider just jumped on me." My mother could not hear me because the television was too loud. After checking to see if the door was locked I walked over to the basement sink to make sure the faucet wasn't leaking any water. (Drip, drip, drip) the faucet was dripping water as usual so I reached to turn it off; as I reached to turn it off a loud noise came from the closet.
(Cling, clang, bang) My heart dropped! I wanted to check the noise out, but the image of the movie I had just seen kept playing in my head. (Voices start whispering) As I turned to run towards the basement steps I heard a lot of voices whispering in the closet-then all of a sudden one of the voices screamed "Go away!" I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and slammed the brown wooden basement door behind me. I stood up against the door with my back turned towards it sweating bullets. I closed my eyes hoping that what I just heard was not real.
"Molly, what is wrong?" my mother asked me staring at me as if she were scared herself. "I... I just heard a voice tell me to go away!" I responded with a fearful look in my eyes with sweat dripping down my face. My mother insisted that I was hearing things and assured me that it was just imagination. "You've watched one too many horror movies. Maybe you need to lay off them for a while." That night I went to bed scared out of my mind. I left my lamp on and sat straight up in my bed refusing to close my eyes because I knew that what I heard was real and I was going to prove it to my mother.
(Tick, tock, tick, tock) It was 12:00 midnight and it was still hard for me to sleep. My mom was sleep and the house was dark and quiet; all you could hear was the clock on our wall and the wind as it blew through my bedroom window. As much as I didn't want to get out the bed I had to because I had to go to the bathroom. It seemed like walking to the bathroom took forever because I was so afraid. As I walked to the bathroom I noticed what looked like a shadow downstairs moving. It was then that I thought I was going to wet myself for the first time.
As I moved closer to the steps, I peeked over the banister to get a closer look. As I kneeled down I could see two more figures moving around. It looked as if they were scurrying around looking for something. I quickly got up from the wooden floor and silently hurried to my mother's room. "Mom wake up! there are people downstairs" I said looking behind me.
My mother woke up startled asking "Where? What!" she then jumped out of bed, grabbed me by the hand, and ran to the hallway to see what I saw. As soon as we went into the hallway we could see the three shadowy figures make their way up the steps.
"Go back, go back!" my mother whispered in a rush tone. We shut my mother's bedroom door and locked it. I attempted to look out the key hole but was too afraid the first time trying. "Hush! don't make a sound" my mother said picking up the phone to call for help. "The phone is dead" my mother dropped the phone on the floor and ran to her dresser to find her cell phone, but she couldn't find it.
While my mother continued searching for her cell phone I tried one more time to look out the key hole. I got on my knees and with my right eye looked through the hole. At first, there was nothing there, but out of nowhere a dark red eyeball popped up! I jumped back and screamed for my mother. "Mom!" my mother finally found her cell phone and tried to call out for help but her cell phone was dead. "Where is your charger?" I asked shaking and startled. "The kitchen drawer" my mother responded as she held the cell phone in her hand shaking.
We knew that we had one option and one option only and that was to escape through my mother's bedroom window. "It won't open!" I yelled helping my mother lift the window up. The window was actually nailed shut from the outside which made it impossible for us to open. "Who would lock a window from the outside?" my mother cried as she fell to the floor in tears. (Bang, bang, bang) as we sat on the opposite side of the door we could he banging on the walls followed by whispers and laughter. The voices sounded really creepy and crackly.
Both me and my mother ran to her closet and shut the door behind us immediately after seeing the door knob to her bedroom turning. You could hear the banging get closer, and louder, and the door began to shake as if they were trying to get into the bedroom. My mother tried to comfort me as I began to cry hysterically. "Mommy loves you Molly" she said wrapping her arms around me tight as if to protect me. I was so scared I couldn't even respond back; I just wrapped my arms around my mother and cried. After ten minutes the noise stopped and you could hear the door open. My mother and I began to shake more and more as we waited to see what would happen next.

My mother passed out and I was left there alone. I tried to wake her up, but was unsucessful. I tried to run free from the closet but was trapped there by all three of them. They circled around me and poked me as they smiled with their sharp teeth and red lips. I begged for them to stop, but they refused.
After one minute of torture I passed out. I woke up minutes later in my bed with my mom beside me. "Hey you, you were having a bad dream" she said handing me a cold glass of water. "It all seemed so real" I responded sipping the glass of water. After making sure I was fine, my mother kissed my forehead and told me "relax, it was just a dream." She then exited my room and shut off the lights. "Mom can you keep mine on?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Yes dear" she responded as she flicked the light back on.
I spent the rest of the night reading fantasy novels to erase the nightmare from my mind, but that soon ended when I heard a cry. I got out of my bed and moved towards the door (screaming) ... there are ghosts at the door!
Recommended for ages 12+